Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Beautiful People: Darrilynn Barker

This week I'm going to be participating in the Beautiful People blog meme from over at Further up and Further in.  I'll be answering questions about one of my "beautiful people-" aka, one of my characters.  I've chosen to answer the questions for Darrilynn Barker this week.  She's one of the two main characters in Dawns Rise.  Now, I know I've been taking a break from that story, but I've been craving to write some Dawns Rise lately, and I'm hoping this will satisfy me.  So, without further ado, here is Darrilynn Barker.

  1. What first inspired this character?
  Well, I first created Darrilynn’s character around the new year of 2013.  I originally based her off myself, however it was a very poor copy- you would think I’d know myself a little bit better.  But after three years of changing, and being rewritten, Darrilynn now has no trace of me whatsoever.  
Is there a person/actor you based them off?
  Well, if you see my top answer, you’ll find out.  

  1. Describe their daily routine.
Darrilynn’s routine consists of waking up around nine o’clock- she’s homeschooled, so her mom let’s her sleep in.  Darrilynn will then go downstairs, have some breakfast, then get school done while her mom is at work.  Then she will practice either archery or sword fighting for hours, until sweat soaks her body.  When her mom has gotten home, Darrilynn would have done a variety of these, as long as it consists of moving the entire time.  
  She and her mom then usually practice martial arts together- Darrilynn is taught by her mom.  After a long while of sweating and gaining bruises, she and her mom eat dinner.  A little while later, she will go to her room, then fall asleep early.  She enjoys her sleep.
  1. If they joined your local high school, what clique would they fit into?
  Well, that question is kind of difficult to answer, because I’m homeschooled.  So, I’ll just have to leave this one unanswered.

  1. Write a list of things they merely tolerate. Ex: certain people, foods, circumstances in their lives...
1. Being still
2. Fear
3. Her mom’s cooking
4. Tears
5. Religion
6. Reading

  1. How do they react in awkward silences?
  Well, knowing Darrilynn, she probably stayed quiet during the conversation, and wanted to leave anyways, so the awkward silence would just give her an excuse to leave.
  1. Can they swim? If so, how did they learn?
  Nope.  Darrilynn cannot and does not like to swim.  She has hardly even stepped inside a public swimming area.  She has never swam, and doesn’t even like to touch water- cold water, specifically.
  1. What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
   One day when Darrilynn was twelve years old, she and her mom were hanging out in a hotel room (her family use to do nothing but travel, so they spent a lot of time in hotels), when there was a knock on their door.  Her mom opened it to see an officer.  Without a word, her mom stepped outside of the room, and shut the door.  Darrilynn tried to listen to the conversation, but she didn’t hear anything besides her mom sobbing.  
  A few minutes later, her mom walked into the room- with tear filled eyes- and told Darrilynn that her dad had been murdered.
  1. What things do they value most in life?
  Darrilynn values loyalty, and family above all else.  She will do anything to keep her family- being her mom- close by.  Anyone that gets in her way, if her mom is in danger, will be torn down.
  1. Do they believe in giving other people second chances?
  No.  Darrilynn would never give anyone who betrayed her a second chance.
Do they have any trust issues?
  I don’t think she has any trust issues because of some major thing which happened to her, but she does tend to hold in secrets more often than tell them.
  1. Your character is having a rough day...what things do they do to
make them happy again?
  Well, Darrilynn isn’t really ever “happy.”  She’s not grumpy, but she’s not a necessarily happy person.  But if she’s upset, that probably means she’s on the verge of tears- which would make her just angry.  Darrilynn would probably go practice sword fighting until she’s forgotten her problems, and is in the instinctive rhythm of hitting the dummy with her sword.
Is there anyone they talk/interact with to get in a better mood?
  The only person Darrilynn would ever consider would be her mom.  But even then, she wouldn’t want to bug her.  So, it’s a very unlikely option that Darrilynn would talk to her mom to get into a better mood.

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