10. The Song
The Song is the parallel to the Holy Spirit in the Tales of Goldstone Wood, and show up very frequently in each book.
8. The Dragon
7. The Brothers of Ashiun
The Brothers of Ashiun are the legendary heroes of old, and continue to make an impact in the story even after their deaths.
6. Starflower
Starflower is one of the heroines in the series. In my opinion she is also the best female heroine in literature.
5. Prince of the Farthestshore
The Prince of the Farthestshore is the parallel of Jesus Christ, and shows up near the end of every single one of the books.
4. Bard Eanrin
Bard Eanrin is the beloved favorite character of anyone who reads the series. He shows up in every single one of the books.
3. The History
The books are written out of order of history, and the whole series is about the history of this one world.
2. Redemption Theme
1. Allegorical Tale
This series has the best allegorical tale and parallels in my opinion. Anyone who enjoys reading allegories, will fall in love with this book.
All the drawings and paintings are drawn by others in the Goldstone Wood fandom, if you would like to see more, go, http://goldstonewoodfanart.blogspot.ca/
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